
我们的鸡汤由多汁的骨头新鲜制成,并加入花园新鲜蔬菜。它是 100% 天然的,不添加盐、增味剂或增稠剂。非常适合炖、汤和烩饭
  • 不含麸质
  • 保质期: 18 月
Nutrition Information
Servings per package: 20
Serving size: 25 mL
Average Quantity Per serving Per 100 g
Energy 17 kJ 68 kJ
Protein, Total Less than 1 g 3.9 g
-   gluten Not detected Not detected
Fat, Total Less than 1 g Less than 1 g
-   saturated Less than 1 g Less than 1 g
Carbohydrate Less than 1 g Less than 1 g
-   sugars Less than 1 g Less than 1 g
Sodium 14 mg 57 mg


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